



One of the most significant and practical applications of artificial intelligence is Natural Language Processing (NLP). NLP is a rapidly developing field as new techniques and toolsets become available and data becomes more accessible. This course will introduce you to the basics of natural language processing and how it is used in modern and emerging technology. In this course, you will learn about the latest neural network algorithms used to process linguistic information.



  • Unit-1 : NLP Introduction and Application Areas
    • About NLP
    • Study of Human Language
    • What is Ambiguity
    • NLP phases
    • Applications of Natural Language Processing
    • Machine Translation
    • Speech Recognition
    • Sentiment Analysis
    • Automatic Summarization
    • Spell Checking
  • Unit-2 Word Level Analysis
    • Regular Expressions
    • Characteristics of Regular Sets
    • What is Finite State Automata
    • Regular Expressions Regular Grammars and Finite Automata
    • Types of Finite State Automation
    • Non-deterministic Finite Automation
    • Morphological Parsing
    • Stems
    • Word Order
  • Unit-3 Linguistic Resources
    • Linguistic resources
    • Corpus Representativeness
    • Corpus Balance
    • Corpus Size
    • Applications of TreeBank Corpus
    • Types of Finite State Automation
  • Unit-4 Semantic and Syntactic Analysis
    • Semantic and Syntactic Analysis
    • Meaning Representation
    • Lexical Semantics
    • Syntactic Analysis
    • Concept of Parser
    • Types of Parsing
    • Concept of Derivation
    • Phrase Structure or Constituency Grammar
    • Dependency Grammar
    • Context Free Grammar 


·         Unit-5 PoS (Parts of speech) tagging

o    POS (PARTS OF SPEECH) Tagging

o    Rule-based POS Tagging

o    Stochastic POS Tagging

o    Transformation-based Tagging

o    Hidden Markov Model (HMM) POS Tagging

o    Use of HMM for POS Tagging

·         Unit-2 Word sense disambiguation

o    Inception and discourse Processing

o    Components of Language

o    Grammatical Categories

o    Spoken Language Syntax

o    Word Fragments

o    Concept of Coherence

o    Discourse structure

o    Reference Resolution

o    Types of Referring Expressions

·         Unit-3 Inception and discourse

o    Word Sense Disambiguation

o    Approaches and Methods to Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD)

o    Applications of Word Sense

·         Unit-4 Information Retrieval

o    Information Retrieval

o    Classical Problem in Information Retrieval (IR) System

o    Information Retrieval (IR) Model

o    Types of Information Retrieval (IR) Model

o    Design features of Information retrieval (IR) systems

o    The Boolean Model