


5.00 DMLE0007


 (Let’s Learn English)


"Let's Learn English" is a comprehensive beginner-level language course designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of the English language. Through engaging and interactive lessons, this course aims to equip learners with essential skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing in English. No prior knowledge of the language is required, making it accessible to students of all backgrounds and ages.
·        The course content covers vocabulary building, grammar fundamentals, sentence structure, verb tenses, and pronunciation. Students will have the opportunity to practice their language skills through real-life scenarios, enabling them to gain confidence in practical communication.
·        Throughout the course, students will be exposed to a variety of multimedia resources, audio clips, and reading materials, fostering a well-rounded language learning experience. Regular assessments and progress tracking are implemented to ensure students' steady improvement and proficiency development.
·        Upon completion of the course, students can expect to have a strong foundation in the English language, enabling them to engage in basic conversations, understand simple texts, and communicate effectively in everyday situations. "Let's Learn English" provides a supportive and enjoyable environment for language learning, fostering students' language abilities and encouraging them to continue their language journey with confidence.
    Product Highlights
Product highlights of the course "Let's Learn English":

·  Beginner-Friendly: Suitable for learners with no prior knowledge of English, creating an inclusive environment for all.
·  Comprehensive Curriculum: Covers vocabulary, grammar, speaking, listening, reading, and writing, providing a well-rounded language learning experience.
·  Multimedia Resources: Access to audio clips, reading materials, and online tools to enhance language learning in diverse formats.
· Supportive Environment: Encourages a positive and enjoyable language learning experience, fostering students' confidence in communication.
· Versatile Application: Equips students for everyday conversations, basic comprehension, and effective communication in various situations.
·  Flexibility: Can be taken in-person or online, offering convenience for learners with different preferences and schedules.
·  Continuation Pathway: Serves as a stepping stone for further English language proficiency and higher-level courses

    Pre Requisites for the course
·        No prior knowledge of English required; course is for beginners.
·        Basic proficiency in the student's native language (helpful but not mandatory).
·        Computer or device with internet access (for online courses).
·        Willingness and commitment to learn and practice regularly.
·        Positive and open-minded attitude towards language learning.
·        Dedication to set aside time for studying and completing assignments.
·        Meet any age requirements set by the course provider.
·        Basic computer skills (for online courses).
·        Stable internet connection with adequate speed (for online courses).
·        Commitment to regular attendance and participation.
·        Clear learning objectives and expectations.
·        Supportive learning environment.
·        Consideration of time zone for online live sessions.
·        Basic writing skills (advantageous but not mandatory).
    Course deliverables

·  Improved Language Proficiency: Students will gain a better grasp of English, with enhanced skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
·   Expanded Vocabulary: Students will acquire a broader range of words and phrases, allowing them to communicate effectively in various situations.
· Grammar Mastery: Students will have a solid understanding of English grammar rules and how to apply them correctly in their communication.
·  Practical Communication Skills: Students will be able to engage in basic conversations and express themselves confidently in everyday scenarios.
· Cultural Awareness: Students will gain insights into English-speaking cultures, improving their cross-cultural communication and understanding.
· Course Completion Certificate: Successful students will receive a course completion certificate as recognition of their language achievement.
· Language Learning Strategies: Students will learn effective language learning techniques to continue advancing their English proficiency independently.
· Confidence in Language Use: The course will impart confidence in students' language abilities, encouraging them to use English with greater ease.
·  Continued Support: The course may provide resources and support even after completion to encourage ongoing language growth.

  FAQs and Dos and Don’ts for learners
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) for "Let's Learn English":
Q: Is any prior knowledge of English required for this course?
A: No, this course is designed for beginners, and no prior knowledge of English is needed.
Q: How long does it take to complete the course?
A: The course duration may vary depending on the format and intensity, but it typically ranges from a few weeks to a few months.
Q: What materials do I need for the course?
A: The course provider will specify any required textbooks or online resources. A computer or device with internet access may be necessary for online courses.
Q: Is the course offered in multiple languages?
A: The course is primarily conducted in English.
Q: Will I receive a certificate upon course completion?
A: Yes, successful students will receive a course completion certificate as recognition of their achievement.

Dos and Don'ts for Learners:
Do practice regularly to reinforce your language skills.
Do participate actively in class discussions and exercises.
Do set clear learning goals and track your progress.
Do practice speaking with native English speakers or language partners.
Do immerse yourself in English media, such as movies, TV shows, and books.
Do take notes during class to review later for better retention.
Do engage in language games and activities to make learning enjoyable.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes; learning involves trial and error.
Don't compare your progress to others; everyone learns at their own pace.
Don't skip classes or neglect practice; consistency is the key to language improvement.
Don't be discouraged by challenges; language learning can be challenging but rewarding.
Don't rely solely on translations; try to think and communicate in English directly.
Don't procrastinate on assignments or revision; stay on track with your study schedule.
Don't limit yourself to only studying; practice English in real-life situations whenever possible.
Remember, learning a new language requires patience, dedication, and an open mind. Embrace the journey and celebrate your progress along the way!