



The Certificate in Fundamentals of Neural Network provides an understanding of neural networks, modeled after the human brain, used in machine learning. The course covers history, neuron operations, and applications, offering insights into this crucial aspect of artificial intelligence and deep learning.



  • Unit-1: Introduction, Motivation and History of Neural Network
    • Neural Networks
    • Applications
      • Classification of Data
      • Anomaly Detection
      • Speech Recognition
      • Audio Generation
      • Time Series Analysis
      • Spell Checking
      • Character Recognition
      • Machine Translation
      • Image Processing
    • General Structure
    • Perception
    • Steps involved in a Neural Network
      • Feedforward
      • Backpropagation
    • Why do we need Backpropagation?
    • Basic Flow of Neural Networks
    • The 100-step rule
    • Simple Application Examples
    • The Classical Way
    • The Way of Learning
    • A Brief History of Neural Networks
    • The Beginning
    • Golden Age
    • Long Silence and Slow Reconstruction
    • Renaissance
    • Intermediate

      • Unit-2: Biological Neural Networks
        • Biological Overview
        • The Vertebrate Nervous System
        • Peripheral and Central Nervous System
        • The Cerebrum in Responsible for Abstract Thinking Processes
        • The Cerebellum Controls and Coordinates Motor Functions
        • The Diencephalon Controls Fundamental Physiological Processes
        • The Brainstem Connects the Brain with the Spinal Cord and Controls Reflexes
        • Neurons are Information Processing Cells
        • Components of a Neuron
        • Synapses Weight the Individual Parts of Information
        • Neurotransmitters
        • Dendrites Collect all Parts of Information
        • In the Soma, the Weighted Information is Accumulated
        • The Axon Transfers Outgoing Pulses
        • Electrochemical Processes in the Neuron and Its Components
        • Neurons Maintain Electrical Membrane Potential
        • Membrane Potential
        • The Neuron is Activated by Changes in the Membrane Potential
        • Threshold and Resting State
        • Initiation of Action Potential Over Time
        • In the Axon, a Pulse is Conducted in a Saltatory Way
        • Receptor Cells are Modified Neurons
        • There are Different Receptors Cells for Various Types of Perceptions
        • Information is Processed on Every Level of the Nervous System
        • The Information Processing is Entirely Decentralized
        • An Outline of Common Light Sensing Organs
        • Compound Eyes and Pinhole Eyes Only Provide High Temporal or Spatial Resolution
        • Single Lens Eyes Combine the Advantages of the other Two Eye Types, but They are More Complex
        • The Retina does not Only Receive Information but is also Responsible for Information Processing
        • Steps of Information Processing
        • Horizontal and Amacrine Cells
        • The Amount of Neurons in Living Organisms at Different Stages of Development
        • Transition to Technical Neurons: Neural Networks are a Caricature of Biology
        • Steps of Information Processing
        • Through Radical Simplification Briefly Summarize the Conclusions Relevant for the Technical Part
        • Our Brief Summary Corresponds Exactly with the Few Elements of Biological Neural Networks we want to Take Over into the Technical Approximation
        • Exercises
      • Advanced

        • Unit-3: Components of Artificial Neural Networks
          • The Concept of Time in Neural Networks
          • Components of Neural Networks
          • Data Processing of a Neuron
          • Connections Carry Information That is Processed by Neurons
          • The Propagation Converts Vector Inputs to Scalar Network Inputs
          • The Activation is the “Switching Status” of a Neuron
          • Neurons Get Activated If The Network Input Exceeds Their Threshold Value
          • The Activation Function Determines the Activation of a Neuron Dependent on Network Input and Threshold Value
          • Common Activation Functions
          • An Output Function May Be Used to Process the Activation once again
          • Learning Strategies Adjust a Network to Fit Our Needs
          • Network Topologies
          • Feed-Forward Networks Consist of Layers and Connections Towards Each Following Layer
          • Feed Forward Network
          • Shortcut Connections Skip Layers
          • Direct Recurrences start and end at the same Neuron
          • Indirect Recurrences Can Influence Their Starting Neuron only by making Detours
          • Lateral Recurrences Connect Neurons Within One Layer
          • Completely Linked Networks Allow any Possible Connection
          • The Bias Neuron is a Technical Trick to Consider Threshold Values as Connection Weights
          • Representing Neurons
          • Take care of the order in which Neuron Activations are Calculated
          • Synchronous Activation
          • Asynchronous Activation
          • Random Order
          • Random Permutation
          • Topological Order
          • Fixed Orders of Activation During Implementation
          • Communication with The Outside World: Input and Output of Data in and from Neural Networks
          • Exercises


        • Unit-4: Fundamentals of learning and training samples
          • Learning and Training
          • Neural Networks is their Capability
          • Different paradigms of learning
          • About Neuron Functions
          • Learning Algorithm
          • Training Set
          • Unsupervised Learning
          • Supervised Learning methods
          • Reinforcement Learning
          • Offline or Online Learning
          • Training Patterns and teaching Input
          • Error Vector
          • Using Training Samples
          • Divisions of training samples
          • Training Sample Lesson
          • Order of Pattern Representation
          • Learning curve and error measurement
          • Specific Error
          • Root mean Square and Total Error
          • Stop Learning
          • Gradient Optimization Procedures
          • Gradient Dimension
          • Errors during a gradient descent
          • Gradient Descent
          • Gradient Descents against suboptimal minima
          • Flat Plateaus on the error surface may cause training slowness
          • Even if good minima are reached, they may be left afterwards
          • Steep canyons in the error surface may cause Oscillations
          • Exemplary problems allow for testing self-coded learning strategies
          • Boolean Functions
          • The parity Function
          • The 2-spiral problem
          • The Checkerboard problem
          • Samples for the Checkerboard problem
          • The identity function
          • Other exemplary problems
          • The Hebbian Learning
          • Original Rule
          • Generalized Form
          • Exercises
        • Unit-5: The Perceptron, Backpropagation & its Variants
        • Unit-6: Radial Basis Functions(RBF)
          • Introduction
          • Components & Structure of an RBF Network
          • Center of an RBF Neuron
          • RBF Neuron
          • RBF Output Neuron
          • RBF Network
          • RBF Network with Input Neurons
          • Individual one or two dimensional
          • Information processing of an RBF network
          • Different Gaussian Bells
          • Information Processing in RBF neurons
          • Gaussian bells in two-dimensional space
          • Gaussian bell
          • Analytical Thoughts
          • Equations of Weights
          • Generalization on Several Outputs
          • Computational effort and accuracy
          • Combinations of the equation system
          • Fixed Selection & Conditional fixed selection
          • 2-D Input Space
          • Uneven coverage of a 2-D Input Space
          • Growing RBF Networks
          • Neurons are added to places with large error values
          • Limiting the number of neurons
          • Less Important neurons are deleted
          • Comparing RBF networks & Multilayer Perceptrons
        • Unit-7: Recurrent Perceptron-like networks
          • Recurrent neural networks
          • Jordan Networks
          • Elman Networks
          • Training recurrent networks
          • Unfolding in time
          • Teacher Forcing
          • Recurrent backpropagation
          • Training with evolution
        • Unit-8: Hopfield Networks
          • Hopfield Networks
          • Hopfield networks are inspired by particles in a magnetic field
          • In a Hopfield network, all neurons influence each other symmetrically
          • State of a Hopfield Network
          • Input and output of a Hopfield network
          • Significance of weights
          • A neuron changes its state
          • The weight matrix is generated directly out of the training patterns
          • Learning rule for Hopfield networks
          • Auto association and traditional application
          • Pattern Recognition
          • Hetero association and analogies to neural data storage
          • Hopfield Network
          • Generating the heteroassociative matrix
          • Heteroassociative Matrix
          • Stabilizing the Heteroassociations
          • The weight matrix is generated directly out of the training patterns
          • The biological motivation of hetero association
          • Continuous Hopfield networks
        • Unit-9: Learning Vector Quantization
          • Introduction of Learning Vector Quantization
          • About Quantization
          • LVQ divides the input space into separate areas
          • Quantization of a two-dimensional input space
          • Using codebook vectors: the nearest one is the winner
          • Adjusting codebook vectors
          • The procedure of learning
          • LVQ learning procedure
          • Learning process
        • Unit-10: Self-Organizing Feature Maps
          • Unsupervised Learning
          • Structure of a self-organizing map
          • One-dimensional grid
          • Self-organizing map
          • Topology
          • SOMs always activate the neuron
          • Training
          • Adapting the centres
          • SOM learning rule
          • Topology function defines
          • Introduction of common distance and topology functions
          • Decrease Monotonically
          • Gaussian bell, cone function, cylinder function and the Mexican hat function
          • Learning direction
          • Our topology function
          • The learning rate
          • Topological defects
          • The behaviour of a SOM
          • End states of one-dimensional (left column) and two-dimensional (right column)
          • Topological defect in two-dimensional SOM
          • Adjust Resolution of certain areas in a SOM
          • Training of a SOM
          • SOMs can be used to determine centres for RBF neurons
          • Neural Gas
          • A figure filled by a SOM
          • Multi-SOM
          • Multi-Neural Gas
          • Growing Neural Gases
        • Unit-11: Adaptive Resonance Theory
          • Introduction of Adaptive Resonance Theory
          • Task and structure of an Adaptive Resonance Theory
          • Resonance takes place by activities being tossed and turned
          • Top-down & Bottom-up Learning
          • Pattern input & top-down learning
          • Resonance and bottom-up learning
        • Appendix-A: Excursus Cluster Analysis and Regional & Online Learnable Fields
          • Introduction
          • Metric
          • A.1 k-means clustering allocates data to a predefined number of clusters
          • A.2 k-nearest neighbouring looks for the k nearest neighbours of each data point
          • A.3 ?-nearest neighbouring looks for neighbours within the radius ? for each data point
          • A.3 ?-nearest neighbouring looks for neighbours within the radius ? for each data point
          • A.4 The silhouette coefficient determines how accurate a given clustering is
          • A.5 Regional and online learnable fields are a neural clustering strategy
            • A.5.1 ROLFs try to cover data with neurons
              • A.4 The silhouette coefficient determines how accurate a given clustering is
            • A.5.2 A ROLF learns unsupervised by presenting training samples online
          • ROLF neuron and Perceptive surface
          • Structure of a ROLF neuron
          • Accepting neuron
          • Both positions and radii are adapted throughout the learning
          • The radius multiplier allows neurons to be able not only to shrink
          • As required, new neurons are generated
          • Evaluating a ROLF
          • ROLF
          • Comparison with popular clustering methods
          • Initializing radii, learning rates and multiplier is not trivial
        • Appendix-B: Excursus: Neural Networks used for Prediction
          • Introduction
          • About time series
          • One-step-ahead prediction
          • Moving Average Procedure
          • Two-step-ahead prediction
          • Recursive two-step-ahead prediction
          • Direct two-step-ahead prediction
          • Additional optimization approaches for prediction
          • Changing temporal parameters
          • Heterogeneous prediction
          • Remarks on the prediction of share prices
        • Appendix-C: Excursus: Reinforcement Learning
          • Introduction
          • Reinforcement Learning
          • System Structure
          • Grid World
          • Agent and Environment
          • In the Grid world
          • Environment
          • States, situations and actions
          • Reward and return
          • Closed Loop Policy
          • Exploitation vs. Exploration
          • Learning process
          • Rewarding strategies
          • Avoidance Strategy
          • The state-value function
          • Policy evaluation
          • Policy Improvement
          • Monte Carlo method
          • Temporal difference learning
          • The action-value function
          • Q learning